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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Choose what makes you happy, NOT what best for many!

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People are now very much overwhelmed with the so called “in-demand” courses, especially students. They tend to consider “in-demand” courses as the “best”. Why shouldn't they? They will have local and international opportunities; they will be paid high salary, and less chance to be unemployed. That’s what they've thought!

If you ask a typical Filipino student if he/she wants to work abroad, he/she will immediately give you a powerful smile and nod, signifies that he/she really want to work abroad. Why not? Working abroad is like the key to the better future, it’s like making all your unimaginable dreams possible to achieve or it’s simply your escape to emptiness and a welcome to abundance.

There’s no argument with the perseverance of every Filipino to uplift their lives. Who doesn't want to? But every time labor authorities set an “in-demand” status for a certain course/career, it will immediately generate high enrollees and high in manpower supply, which could lead to a big trouble. As the demand decreases, the manpower supplies increase, which is now one of the big reasons of ballooning unemployment rate in the country. In addition to that, “in-demand” status can also create a wrong notion even to the education providers (institution, colleges and universities). They thought that since a certain course/career is in-demand, qualifications can be set aside. For example, for HRM (Hotel and Restaurant Management), schools are not strict when it comes to the qualifications that the enrollees must have to ensure that an appropriate career is realistic to achieve them. Although HRM as course has numerous field to choose from such as; Food & Beverages (F&B) Attendant – for those people who love to provide customer service though serving food and beverages, Bartender – for those people who love to mix alcoholic drinks, Chef or Cook – for those people who love to cook/bake, Hotel Staffs (Front Office Agent, Guest Service Officer) – For those people who are willing to offer customer service through (Guest Service / Guest Relation). Assist guest upon check in/out., Housekeeper (HK) – chambermaid, Manager (F&B,HK,) – willing to manage a certain restaurant or any related establishment.

An HRM can be considered as one of the lightest 4-year career in the Philippines, but it requires some demanding qualifications that sometimes many tend to forget or sometimes ignore the fact that these qualifications are REALLY necessary, like applicant must have an ideal height (at least 5’7 for male/ 5’4 female), above average looks for hotel staff, and some other demanding qualifications.
In addition, Course/Job Mismatch is the other reason why unemployment rate is severely increasing in the country. Government and other labor agencies have no sufficient program that could address or even alleviate the “job mismatch” rate. That’s why the ballooning and ever increasing rate of unemployment in the country is not that surprising anymore.

On the other hand, the government alone cannot be held accountable for this issue; it is also us – who can make something wonderful to lessen the unemployment rate in the country. As a learner from the past experience, I myself would like to be of help to those senior high school graduates to “Choose what will make them happy, NOT what best considered by many!” Perhaps, this is the great advice that I could provide them.

Not all “in-demand” today is still in-demand tomorrow. Not all considered best by many is also best for you. Learn to recognize your heart’s desire, otherwise you’ll be working with regret and you’ll do your work unhappily – an experience that you would wish not to encounter.

If you’re just graduated last March or April and still undecided on the course that you really want to pursue with. Please! Take time to think, meditate and pray. Ask yourself as many times as you can. Know your capacity, know what particular field you are best of and know what you really love to do. This will really help you. Believe me! Taking course in college is not as simple as ABC, it’s going to be a tough decision making, so make sure you got it right, otherwise you will be remorseful at the end of the day. Although, you can still shift or you can still change your mind at the middle. But remember time is gold, time is running and it is truly precious. Once you missed something you’ll miss it for the rest of your life.

This is the lesson in life that I really take as mine. I really do! Because I’ve been there and still on the process of shifting - every necessary thing that has to be shifted and changed. A management graduate who failed to take time to think, meditate and pray for the career that I really want to have. This was not an act of ignorance or stupidity; maybe I was just so immature to handle decision making effectively, I attached on the idea of “in-demand” and “Best” as other call it. Now, I’m a full time virtual writer in one American - company based in Laguna. Am I happy? Yes! I love this. I love to write rather than to be a food service provider.
With that said, I hope this will serve an anticipated call for you to Choose what makes you happy, NOT what best for many!

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